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The patron goddess of Limsa Lominsa is Llymlaen, although there is no presence of organized religion in the city. In its stead, privateering has found its niche, with former pirate crews legally obtaining privateering permits from the Lominsan government and going after permitted targets, a category that consists almost entirely of Garlean ships. Pirating has been outlawed since 1565 however, and any true pirating left has been driven underground. Last but not the least, Limsa Lominsa has traditionally been a bustling pirate city, with loot from ships all over the world sold to reputable merchants and further delivered to customers. In addition to the above, recent years have seen the renewal of the city-state's expansionist efforts into Vylbrand, allowing its farming efforts to build up into a main industry. Being a maritime city, fish and other products of the sea are a main staple in Lominsan diet. Culinary arts are also held in high regard within the city-state, and its ale and wine breweries are widely known. The city's shipwrights and blacksmiths have greatly benefited from the presence of the kobold beast tribe, who have dedicated their entire existence to working with metals and stones. The traditional main industries of Limsa Lominsa are fishing, ship-building, metalwork, and shipping by sea-faring vessels, the last of which brings the city most of its wealth. The current Admiral of Limsa Lominsa is Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, who first won the Trident in 1563 of the Sixth Astral Era in the 85th Trident ever held, and then again (presumably) in 1570 2, and the most recent time in the year 5 or 6 of the Seventh Umbral Era 3. Once someone has won a Trident, they have almost unlimited power over the city-state, although the independent people and especially the pirate crews of the city can and will rise in mutiny if the new Admiral's policies don't please them. Commonly, the 'crew' in question is a pirate crew, with the winning crew's captain becoming the next Admiral and its first mate becoming the Admiral's second in command. The Admiral is chosen by the competition known as the Trident that is held every seven years (or sooner should the previous Admiral become indisposed), and it appears to require a tight crew working together to win. The thalassocracy of Limsa Lominsa is ruled by the Admiral and an unknown number of councilors appointed by the Admiral. The crimson represents the ocean, red with the blood of fallen comrades.

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The longboat represents the origins of the city and its people, as the ferocious Roegadyn pirates of the north seas. The Limsa Lominsan flag depicts a black longboat on a field of crimson. What there is is a noted military presence on the north side. On the north side of the city are the Northern Islands where the rich folk of the city gather, although it bears noting that as of version 2.0 the way to the Northern Isles was removed and there is no longer any mention of it in the game. Outside the core, there are the Southern Islands to the south, where the commonfolk of the city live, and which is connected to the Tempest Gate that gives out to Moraby Bay to the south of the city. On the western edge of the core are the main commercial docks, although there are many docks of various sizes throughout the city. Everything in the core radiates out from the Mizzenmast building, which according to the city's establishment myth is the gigantic main mast of the warship Galadion. The core of the city with direct access to the Zephyr Gate that gives out to Summerford to the east via the bridge Procession of Terns, is further divided into Upper and Lower Decks, depending on the height something is built at. The city itself consist of three main areas that we know of. The network of bridges combined with the white stone used to build creates a kind of a latticework of the city when viewed from a distance, earning it its nickname the Navigator's Veil 1. The isles and the tall buildings on them are connected by bridges at various heights, including the two main bridges that lead to mainland Vylbrand via the Zephyr and Tempest Gates.

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The city itself was built on the various isles and islets within the bay, and due to this lack of space has spread upwards rather than outwards. To its west spreads the expanse of the Indigo Deep and to the south the Rhotano Sea, and on the land side is the region of La Noscea.

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Limsa Lominsa (リムサ・ロミンサ in Japanese) is a city-state located on a bay called the Galadion Bay on the south-western shore of the island of Vylbrand, just north of the Gods' Grip.

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